Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shabby Blogs, Absolute Must!

So I was skimming through a blog I watch (discovered due to an art thief I fell victim to) and I loved how she decorated her blog out.  Lucky for me there was a 'clicky' and Wallah! I found Shabbyblogs.com  This is a must have bookmark for anyone looking to deco out their blogs for the best price out there, FREE!  It did take me a bit to figure out how to apply these great things, but once I got it down, the rest were pretty easy.

Thank you Team Shabby for creating such wonderful freebie shinies and sparkles to help make our blog lives special.

Monday, May 14, 2012

5/14/12 Heartbreak Haiku

Life is like the clouds
Always changing shape mid way
Never predicted

Lay with me awhile
Bed of grass and sheet of clouds
Sweet serenity

Slow paced country life
City speed, eye opener
Where did the break go?

Dreams of easy life
Come crashing down around me
When the thunder comes

That’s it, I’ve had it!
Straw that broke the donkey’s back….
Missing my birthday

Making sure you knew
How cherished and loved you were
Was a waste of time

Happy Mother's Day

To all of my moms
Thank you for raising me right
Happy Mother's Day

5/6/12 In The Line of Haiku

Oh I'm so sorry
When you need something from me
Is when I exist.

Just a fantasy
Fueled by desperate dreams
False reality.

Wayward steps I took
Away from He who loved me
Out of presumed hurts

Feelings over Faith
Led me away from my path
Willingly I went

One path we walked
Lost somewhere along the way
Sight of who we were

5/5/12 Paint Your Haiku

Fell off band wagon
Picking myself up once more
Dust self off, start again

Getting back on track
Is so very hard to do
When body rebels.

Diets so tricky
Living with a saboteur
He sneaks in ice cream

I can see myself
Healthy, active, fit and trim
Only in my head

Rewire thinking
Telling myself yes I can
For my Nathan's sake.